Tile Graveyard

Our ’tile graveyard’ in the rear of our factory is open to the public during normal office hours. These are tiles that, for one reason or another, did not meet our high quality standards due to color, texture or other issues. However these are still beautiful tiles in and of themselves.

For questions regarding price and scheduling your visit to the Tile Graveyard for seconds, please call our office: 800-426-4335 between 8:00am and 4:00pm Monday – Friday

The Handmold series is back - contact us for more information today: 800-426-4335 The Handmold series is back - contact us for more information today: 800-426-4335 The Handmold series is back - contact us for more information today: 800-426-4335 The Handmold series is back - contact us for more information today: 800-426-4335